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San Jose International Triathon

DATE:  June 2, 1996 WHERE:  Almaden Lake, SJ
DISTANCE:  1kS-40kB-10kR TIME:  ?
 The San Jose International Triathlon was held June 2nd at Almaden Lake Park. Again it was a cooker! Although not fully recovered, I did the race to have fun and see many local triathletes and friends that always attend this very popular race. After the usual wrestling match in the first 200yds of the swim, I relaxed a little and swam with nice thoughts of not having pressures to beat anyone. The sun was bright. A large gap formed between the first 20 guys and the group I was leading. It's a great run down the shutes, lined with ecstatic cheers, to the bike. On the bike I felt excited but still unpressured. In the first 10 miles, guys are energized, passing a lot, and trying to keep from drafting. The first little hill tires me but then I feel better every mile. At the big Bailey hill I pull away from the chase pack. I hear Craig behind me, "Troy, I thought you were only going 80%", but I'm surprised how good I feel. The last 10mi I ride alone, averaging 27mph. I don't see anyone ahead (but I know they're out there). Turns out there's a group of 6 way ahead and I'm 7th. A police motorcycle escorts me (cool!) the last mile to the transition. The spectators are awesome! I hear Dick, Christine, Heidi, and Beth as I hurry to switch shoes & see how the run will feel. I love the transitions cause you see everyone having so much fun. The run feels good! I stay relaxed, think about form, and drink a lot! I'm running 6:15's, I move to 6th. I cheer on Sean Gettman as he flys by. Then Arne (another great runner) goes by... but gets stitches and falls behind ... then overcomes them and goes ahead again. I pass another and am back in 7th again. The whole time I'm having fun, cheering runners on the home stretch and thanking volunteers for the cold water! I see Kiet behind me and encourage him up but he doesn't catch me. Mile 4, I throw water on my head while drinking & breathing and almost drown. Soon as I can see where I'm going again, I pass another guy. In the last mile I always think of the last miles of Boston and how easy they were because, with the excitement of 100,000 screaming spectators, I didn't feel the pain & soreness. The Finish!

A totally fun race!! I enjoyed every bit and went fast, too! I got 4th in my age compared to 9th last year. It was great to see so many friends doing the race and bettering their times. The major bummer was Clint's flat tire... 2nd race in a row!

1995 Canada Ironman Winner, Holly Nybo, won despite being held up by a train crossing the course, and local new-pro, Greg Thompson, had his first pro victory.

By finishing in the top 25% of my age at this race, I qualified for the US Amateur Championship being held in Orange County June 23rd! So Mission Viejo is the next race... The top 12 in each division qualify for a spot on Team USA for the 1996 ITU Triathlon World Championship in Cleveland, Ohio.

In case you're confused, these championships are Olympic distance triathlons (1.5kS-40kB-10kR) which aren't really my distance. The World Championship in Hawaii is for Ironman distance triathlons (2.4miS-112miB-26.2miR) which may not be my distance either since I haven't done one.

Right now I feel good with 1/2 Ironman distance. Olympic is too fast and Ironman is just plain scary.