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San Francisco Triathlon

DATE: July 10-11, 2010

WHERE:  Treasure Island - San Francisco, CA


Robin - Olympic:  1.5 k-swim, 40 k-bike, 10 k-run

Troy - Sprint: 0.5k Swim, 20k Bike, 5k Run


Robin - Oly - 3rd - 2:36:45


Troy - Sprint - 3rd - 1:01:47



Olympic - Betsy Davis, CJ Halsey, Tina Lount-Pretre, Bobby Marchessault, Dan Perkins, Kiet Tran

Sprint - David Slothower

(Click on pictures to make bigger)


Olympic Course

July 10, 2010

I get to start the day out right at our FCA pre-race prayer with other racers and my teammates Dan and Bobby.  I open by reading the Competitor's Creed. I felt the Lord put on my heart to talk briefly about stress so I read Matthew 6:25-27.  We each have some stress this morning.  One is doing a triathlon for the first time, another is returning to triathlon after a 7 year break, another is back after crashing during the bike last year, and I have a strange eye strain which is making it hard to focus my eyes.  Dan Perkins, Troy and I pray for the group. As we go our separate ways, you can see that we are all refreshed and excited for the day ahead!


My wave is the last of the morning: Women 35+ and relays.  I am starting with Tina Lount-Pretre and Tri Cal's Betsy Davis.  It's Tina's birthday so I make sure announcer/Ironman extraordinaire, Julie Moss, knows.  Betsy (after receiving a loving kiss from her husband/race director, Terry) and I decide to get in the water together at the last moment possible to get a warm-up.  It's COLD but manageable.  I can actually put my face in the water without it feeling like it's going to fall off.  I know from my last race at Silicon Valley that it's important for me to warm up in each discipline ... It must be age that makes my body so tight and in need to loosen up!  I swim a little and look up to see my wonderful family at the start.  I blow kisses to Troy and the girls and they enthusiastically kiss and wave back...I love my family!!


Time to start!  I get in position.  Ready, set, go!  I am out with the main pack but quickly find many pulling away.  I again attempt to find a draft in hopes of going faster...especially with the fast relay swimmers around!  After the first buoy, I find a guy to draft off.  All is well until he starts to zig-zag too much.  Before the end of lap 1, I'm on my own.  Well, I've been here before so I dig down and really focus on my form.  I'm glad that this time my body feels peppy...which helps my mental focus stay sharp.  I round the 1st buoy again and find myself in no-mans land.  I look ahead 50 yards and see a crowd of swimmers.  I look back 50 yards and see another crowd.  Wow, it's amazing I find myself in this position so often!  It doesn't matter, thanks Lord for this day!


As I near the finish, I prepare for the stair climb out.  I pray I won't trip on the way up.  When I get to the ramp I feel hands lifting me up on both sides...nice!  I jog up the steps successfully and rip off my wetsuit.  I hear Julie Moss say there is a girl ahead of me in transition and that gets me pumped up to get out of pumped up in fact that I forget to put on my arm warmers.  I realize the mistake and tell Troy on my way out.  Lord, please bring on the sun!


I have 6 laps to complete and mentally I know that will be a challenge.  But some of my "Biggest Loser" favorites are out here racing today, too, and that will help!  The first loop will be the slowest for sure as I learn the course.  My bike Garmin keeps shutting off due to the bumpy roads.  I decide to just time each lap to monitor my progress.


A lot of folks are pretty anxious and impatient.  I see many pass on the right which is extremely dangerous on a tight and twisty course such as this.  I try to "educate" people as nicely as possible and ask them to pass on the left. 


On the backside of the loop is where the runners and bikers go side by side.  I see my former H.S. athlete CJ Halsey on his first loop of the run.  He's pushing hard and I tell him "great job".  I don't know how many run laps there are so I figure I'll count the number of times that I see him.


I climb the "hill" up to the u-turn.  It's not bad for an Auburnite but, like the many turns, it does take me out of a rhythm.  I jam down the hill and make use of the "free speed".


I hit my watch as I finish the first loop.  I'm surprised that I feel comfortable without my arm warmers.  I think the toe warmers are helping.  I'm passing girls and, at the moment, none are passing me.  I'm trying to stay aero as much as possible even around some of the corners.  On the backside I see CJ again and cheer him on.  He makes the effort to do the same...which is not easy for his brisk pace.  Heading back to the hill on a nice flat stretch with two way traffic, I notice a Pac West girl riding back.  She looks to be in my age group.  Soon after I see Tina.  I wonder what loop she's on and if she's ahead...hard to tell.  I try to cheer for her but the head here makes it tough. 


On my second pass, I get a base-line split, 12:54.  I'm actually used to not having my Garmin now.  I'm getting confident and comfortable in my aerobars and am able to take most of the corners in them.  I can feel the warmth of the sun breaking through...ahhh!  Thank you Jesus!!  I see CJ and cheer him once again.  He's doing his loops as fast as me since I'm seeing him in the same spot...incredible!  A little later, I also see Tina in the same spot on the bike. Just before my third pass, a girl passes me in the 25-29 AG.  I try to stay near and hope to not let her gain much ground.


My third lap is 12:45.  A little faster, good!  I hope to negative split this time.  On the backside I don't see CJ but now I see some more Biggest Losers like Tara.  "Go Tara"!  I know from the show that she's mentally tough and I also just learned that she's coached by the great Pro Triathlete, and Christian, Heather!  The young girl that passed me is fading into the distance but I keep my focus on the Lord and it keeps my head in the game and focused.  Again there's Tina in the same spot...exactly on the same pace.  Just before the 4th pass, another girl passes me in the 25-29AG.  I again make the effort to keep her near.


On my forth pass, I hit the same split.  Well, I'll take consistency over going slower!  For a moment I forget the number of laps I've done.  I don't have the Garmin to tell me my distance but I figure out how many splits I've taken on my watch.  One more lap after this one.  Phew, thanks God!  On the backside I cheer for BL Darius George.  This guy ran a 4:02 marathon on the show just weeks after losing over 100 lbs.  I'm looking forward to his effort today.  "Go Darius!"  I can still see that girl and push harder in hopes to finally negative split!  And, there's Tina again in the same place!  "Go Tina!"  I'll find out if I'm ahead on my last lap.  Going up the hill, I encourage a few more BL's like latest winner, Mike, who is the biker for a relay.  I only have to do this one more time!  Yeah!


On the 5th pass, I finally get a slight negative split.  Yes!  I no longer see the girl but I'm glad, for now, that I don't have anyone else passing me.  I push hard and dig down for the last loop.  Woo-Who!  Thanks, Jesus, You rock!  I can see more women out on the run course now and some of them are probably in my age group! I see Tina in the same spot and know that I hit the run before her.  I will have to look out because she always rocks it!  One more time up the hill, yes!  I finally pull off into T2.  I attempt to pull my feet out of my shoes while on the bike and, once again, I get one out and the other pops off.  No bother!  I dismount, take of the shoe & carry it with me while the other stays clipped on the bike.  I see Troy and the girls cheering for me. I give them a smile. 


I make a quick transition and get out of T2.  There's Anna waiting to give me a high five.  As we connect, she reminds me that she's going to finish with me.  What a sweetie!


I still don't know how many laps I'm doing but with my run Garmin working, I will shortly have an idea.  My legs feel pretty good and my pace is decent.  I see a lot of BL racers out here.  I'm conflicted.  Should I treat them as Jillian or Bob and get in their face and say PUSH IT or opt for the gentler encouragement.  I personally would love for Jillian to yell at me but I'm not sure they would so I keep it on the down low.


Mile 1 is 7:24.  I'll take it!  I see Dan and Bobby.  Dan is definitely on a quick pace...a warm up for Vineman!  My body is adapting well and I find that I'm feeling strong.  What a change from the last race!  I see Tina as I'm heading back.  She looks strong.


Mile 2 is 7:10.  Wow, I'm surprised that I was able to do that!  Thanks God!  My training definitely doesn't reflect such a pace so I know that Jesus is fueling me!  I finish a loop and figure out that I have 2!  On my way out I see Kiet Tran cheering for me and I give him a high 5...he surely had a great race!  I see Tina's family and say hi.  I run into her a little up the road and tell her that her beautiful family is waiting.


Mile 3 is 7:02.  Wow again!  Lord, You are way too good to me!  I'm excited!  I see BL Darius finishing his last lap.  "Go Darius!"  I see Betsy ahead and she stops to encourage BL couple Heba and Ed.  She's making sure they are hanging in there and enjoying their experience.  Bobby is trudging along and smiling.  Good attitude!


Mile 4 is 7:01.  I continue to be amazed and give the credit to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  Too cool!  As I finish my 2nd loop, I get encouraged by BL Abby.  She's got an amazing story if you get the chance to see it.  I wave to Troy at the booth.  Anna will be waiting for me.  I see Dan making a run for the finish.  It looks like no one can touch him today...praise God!


Mile 5 is 6:59!  What?!  Lord, You rock! Just one more mile!  Yes!  It's hard to push but I must try!  I see Betsy and cheer her on. 


Mile 6 is 7:01.  I just catch up to Bobby when I see Anna!  I grab her little hand and off we go.  Her little legs are spinning and her face is lit up!  We finish another race!  Nothing beats this!  What a day!



Go Betsy and

 BL Daniel!

Go CJ!

Go Dan!




Go David!

Go Kiet!

Go Tina!


Sprint Course

July 11, 2010

A ½ hour before the race, Robin & I lead an FCA pre-race prayer near the swim start.  The race announcer, Julie Moss, invited everyone to the prayer.  The race organization, Tri-California, is very supportive of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

I know that those that our taking a moment to join in the prayer, or to pray on their own, are adding a great advantage to their race day.  Robin & I have clearly seen the positive impact Jesus has had on our racing and we hear encouraging stories from others as well.  Being able to feel contentment, even on a bad day, is priceless.. and we want others to experience this often.

The small group prays.. for contentment and comfort, for less anxiety for the “first-timers”, for safety and a feeling of reaching the goal no matter what the finish time.  Happily we all head off for final preparations.

I run my mile warm-up.  But then I am summoned to do the invocation.  This is a broadcasted prayer at the race start which Tri-California is known for.  It’s an honor to be given the microphone high up in the announcing booth, and to be introduced by Julie Moss, one of my hero’s (she’s the one that never gave up in the 1982 Hawaii Ironman and continued crawling to the finish line for 2nd place). However, I know the honor is all God’s and therefore I focus on Him for what words He wants the athletes to hear.   I mention:  Taking a moment to pay respect to God and all He’s done for us; Realizing He is the one that can bring calmness to the anxiety of a cold-water triathlon;  Glorifying God with our performance.  Afterwards, the national anthem is sung and the first athletes are off!

I’m wearing booties and a neoprene cap (aka “squid-lid”).  I jump in and do a short warm-up.  The cold salty water doesn’t feel so bad.  This is mainly a beginner’s triathlon so I line up right on the buoy.  Go!  I swim strong to the first buoy trying to draft off the lead guy.  Soon he pulls away but I remain in 3rd which is motivating.  Towards the 2nd buoy I start to feel the fatigue, and the extra restriction of the squid-lid I’m wearing.  I can see 1st and 2nd ahead.  I can also see some guys behind making ground.  I push again, using my legs more.  I also think of preparation for the Alcatraz Triathlon I’m doing next month.  I think my setup will work, even with the restriction, because with the longer swim I won’t be breathing as hard.  Around the final buoy I push for home.  Other swimmers are coming up on my sides.  I’m breathing so hard I wonder how I’ll find my balance to climb up the ladder at the finish.  I make it up the steps, cross the mat in  3rd (8:04) and run for my bike.

The booties are also great for running in, but they make wetsuit removal slower.  I lose about 15 secs.  My plan for not getting cold this time is wearing my FCA Endurance jacket instead of arm warmers, socks, skull cap, etc.  Even on wet skin it goes on easily and now I’m running with my bike to the “mount” line.  It’s a good transition and I leave in 2nd place (the 1st swimmer had a really slow T1).  Robin, Anna & Ariel are cheering me on.

Ok, got to get to work, my goal is 25mph on the short 10mi course.  I’m confident because I’ve been feeling so strong on the road bike lately.  I’m comfortable, spinning fast, but can’t get over 22mph.  2 guys catch me and blow by.  I’m huffing and puffing, pushing as hard as I can but still my average is only 21mph after loop 1.   I see Robin on the side ready to take my jacket if I’m too warm, but I feel perfect against the cool air of the Bay.  I try standing up but my legs feel like mush.  After 2 loops I try moving back in the saddle and feel more power.  It’s not comfortable but it indicates I need to change the position of my seat for the next race.  I pass the guy that left T1 first.  Now I’m in 3rd again.  I finish up at about 21.5mph (31:00), below my goal, but I’m eager to make up time on the run.

I transition fast and head out a minute behind 2nd and 2-1/2 min behind 1st.  I have a good quick step in my legs.  My bike didn’t go as expected but the high RPM’s may have helped my legs spin faster for the run.  I feel great!  Uh oh, I forgot to tie my shoes. That’s why my T2 was fast.  I stop for 20 secs to secure them and think how I have to get some stretchy-slip-on laces to save time.  Running again I feel like I’ll be able to fly through this short 5k.  Suddenly, after .7mi, my left knee starts to hurt.  Oh no, I’m doing so good, I hate to waste this opportunity.  I have to slow down and cruise.  Then I realize that God is probably using this as an opportunity to rely on Him.  I smile inside, knowing it’s always best when I have a reason to focus more on him.  I make the turn, tighten my shoe, and then start running again with an extra emphasis on foot-strike form. The knee doesn’t hurt.  With better form and thanks to Jesus I’m running fast again and feeling great.  I make the next turn and happily see my family before the 2nd loop.  This loop goes great.  I’m clocking 6:30 miles which is fast for me this year.  I sprint all the way to the finish chute where I pick up Anna and at a slightly slower pace we both run to the end.  It’s a lot of fun to finish with Anna and seeing her trying to run so fast.  I finish the run still in 3rd (20:26).  The whole race took just over an hour but it did feel longer.  It was a lot of fun.  Race director, Terry Davis, comes by and joke’s asking me, “how was your Ironman?” Yes, it was quite the opposite from an Ironman but a sprint still has all the excitement, but with a lot less fatigue J  It really was fun.  Thanks, Lord, for the contentment and enjoyment.

Team Soares Working the Expo

for FCA Endurance



Age Place

Age Group

Swim Time

Bike Time

Run Time

Total Time

KIET TRAN OLY 5 M35-39 24:03 1:08:53 44:30 2:20:07


OLY 1 M50-54 27:24 1:08:20 44:34 2:23:22
CJ HALSEY OLY 5 M20-24 29:27 1:12:55 40.12 2:25:11


OLY 3 W35-39 28:33 1:18:59 46:39 2:36:45


OLY 2 W40-44 48:21 1:19:07 47:48 2:58:31




32:14 1:29:50 57:02 3:02:13


OLY 37


39:06 1:33:49 1:15:22 3:36:55


SPR 3 M40-44 8:04 31:00 20:26 1:01:47


SPR 1 M50-54 8:15 31:20 22:32 1:05:03