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The Davis Stampede

DATE:  February 7, 2010

WHERE:  Davis, CA

PLACE & TIME:  Robin 6th Place - 1:52:20; Anna 7:37

DISTANCE:  1/2 Marathon, 1/2 Mile

TEAMMATES:   Beth Bourne, Jan Heidt, Hal Tacker

(Click on pictures to enlarge)



What a treat to be in Davis with my parents after many years!  Today Grammy (my mom, Jan), Anna and I are each racing!  It's all about girls!


First we cheer for Grammy as she starts her 5k race.  .  She smiles as she goes by.  Papa (Jerry), Troy, the girls, and I  all pray together and then I head off to my ½ Marathon race start.  I'm curious to see what my fitness is like right now.  I've had a week full of workouts planned out by Troy for my birthday.  In addition, we recently took my family on a long, hilly hike.  We'll see what the day holds!


Ready, set, go!  I get out quick and try to settle into a good pace.  The goal is 1:45 today which is a little under 8 min pace.  I look at my watch and see 7:15!  Oops!  Got to curb my enthusiasm or this will get ugly!  It's hard to reign myself in with all the speedy 10K'ers mixed in with the 1/2 Marathoners.  They're passing me in droves. 


Mile 1 is 7:26.  I've slowed it down to 7:45 now. Much better!  I feel really good and my heartrate is low but I must conserve!  I make a deal with myself...stick to around 7:45 pace and you can go for it after Mile 10 if you're still feeling!


Mile 2 is 7:45.  The 10kers now go off in another direction which allows me to see who I'm really competing with.  I see my friend, Beth Bourne, ahead running with her team, the Golden Valley Harriers.  They look strong and fast...I hope that they have a good day!  I don't plan on seeing them until the finish.


Mile 3 is 7:46.  I'm still feeling great and my heartrate is low.  Runners are still passing me but I remind myself to be patient.  It's such a blessing to be able to be out here doing this...I must not take that for granted!


Mile 4 is 7:43.  I am a little chilled but with my arm warmers it helps!A masters guy and gal have been ahead of me since the previous mile.  The gap has remained the same.  I feel that as long as I continue to feel good, I can catch them.  We pass the new Target and it's really nice!  I can see shoppers are already at work inside...a small part of me would like to be in there right now. 


Mile 5 is 7:43.  The big hill of the course, an overpass over I-80, is in sight.  Coming from hilly Auburn, I know that this should be my strong point.  It turns out that it's a strong point for those ahead of me, too.  Well, anything can happen.  Let's just see.


Mile 6 is 7:41.  We are at the far reaches of East Davis.  The farms out here are a nice change of scenery.  I am able to pull past the masters woman and a few others but the master's man is quite a ways ahead running strong.  I see a girl in black.  I keep my eyes on her and slowly real her in.


Mile 7 is 7:38.  I start to pass the girl in black and she suddenly puts on a big surge to get ahead.  Huh, that seems a little early for surging.  I keep myself focused on holding the pace for now, especially since I haven't had a lot of long runs leading up to this. At mile 10 I can do what I want.  Soon I come up on her again as she slows down and again she takes off.  Wow, I'm surprised of the risk she's taking in tiring her self out to stay ahead.  I let her go again and bide my time. 


Mile 8 is 7:45.  We are going back through the neighborhoods and along I-80.  I see the girl in black continuing her surges as others try to pass her.  I chuckle and shake my head.  I give her credit for her passion and willingness to lay it all on the line.  It takes guts to do that!


Mile 9 is 7:40.  One more mile and I can go for it!  We circle around a baseball field and jump on a greenbelt.  I see a guy passing the girl in black and she surges.  He goes with her and pulls ahead.  Again, she surges but he won't let her go. 


Mile 10 is 7:37.  A little quick.  My heartrate is higher and I'm starting to feel fatigue but I still feel like I can push more.  Thanks God!  Now, it's time to see what I can do.  I pick it up and catch the girl in black.  Surprisingly I pass her without the expected dual. It looks like all that surging has left her with less energy...the downside to so much competitiveness. 


Mile 11 is 7:33.  Alright, this is good!  Come on legs!  I can see the masters guy ahead and a few women.  Will I be able to catch them?  Just keep pushing!  I am amazed at how I'm able to push.  I have to give the credit to Jesus because I haven't put enough quality workouts in.  Wow!


Mile 12 is 7:32.  I'm passing more people and slowly reeling in folks ahead.  A guy passes me and I tell him good job.  I try to match his speed as best as I can and he pulls me past some more folks.  I can see a girl in view and the masters guy.   It's possible.  Anything is possible with Christ!  I push as hard as I can. 



Mile 13 is 7:09.  I pass the girl and round the corner for the last stretch.  I see the masters guy ahead throwing up as he heads towards the finish.  Oh man, that hurts!  What perseverance!  I tell him to hang in there.  I see Troy and the rest of the family ahead.  I throw my hands in the air.  I'm so pumped up with this race that the Lord has given me.  Anna is poised and ready to run with me to the finish.  I grab her hand and she lets those little legs go!  Anna makes an impressive run to help Mommy hold off the folks behind us.  We finish.  Wow, good stuff!  What a pleasure to finish with my girl!  Thanks again, God!!


Go Mom!

Go Hal!

Go Beth!


Team Soares & Team Heidt



Age Place


Run Time

Hal Tacker 1 5K 21:18
Jan Heidt 3


Beth Bourne 2

1/2 Mar

Robin Soares 6

1/2 Mar


Anna stretching


Talking it out w/ Daddy


Ready to Go!


Loving this!


Time for Kitty!


Finish Strong!




The Video...