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2010 Resolution Run

DATE:  January 1, 2010

WHERE:  Auburn, CA



Anna - 6th, 56:13

TEAMMATES:  Mo Bartley, Michael Cook, Cindy & Jim Cranney, Brian Hacker, Dan Tebbs

Video of Anna's Race

I'm excited about my 5k race today. Mommy and Daddy say it's a lot longer than my "kids races" but I think what we can do is just stop and eat if we get tired.  Daddy's got my favorite snacks - dates, apricots and dried bananas.

I see all the people and I start thinking about everything I need - race number, water, food, gloves, and pony tail to keep the hair back.  Mommy puts a real timing chip on my shoe.. wow, just like in her races!

It's a little cold and rainy. Oops, Daddy forgot our jackets and goes back to the house to get them.  Today was going to be a "challenge" or something that Mommy & Daddy do every year.  But instead it's now family day!  And they're both going to come with me in my race... and even Ariel will be on Mommy's back :)

Mommy and Daddy say a prayer.  I hear someone say the race is starting so I hurry over.  I don't want to be late.  Wow, grown-ups everywhere.  I do my stretching and listen for "Go".

"3..2..1.." Here we go!  I have to go slow... there's a LOT of runners around me.  Now, I'm running fast and it feels great :)  People are everywhere!  Daddy's telling me all kinds of stuff.. probably trying to help me.. but I know how to run.. I'm having fun!

"Daddy, which way do we go?"  "Left.  The 10 mile course goes right".  I don't know how far "10 miles" is but I like the way we're going.

Wow, we go down, down, down.  I think I'll rest.  "Daddy, we'll run a little and rest a little.  My tummy hurts.  But it's ok.  I just need some food". 

Mmm, snacks... some water... get rid of my jacket... ok, let's go!  People are really nice and keep telling me good job.  I'm just glad they're around me.. it's easier to run when others run with you.

1mi:  Yay!  There's Mommy and Ariel.  "Hi Ariel!"  Now we're on trails.  Oh my goodness, Daddy says there will be mud.  Now we're going up... whew, I'm getting hot.  Oh, someone's taking a picture of us, we can stop.  Ok, time to go.  Now this is a really steep hill... "Daddy, help, hold my hand".  Oh, that's better.  Other runners are walking, too.

Uh oh, mommy's behind us coming up the hill!  Gotta beat Mommy!  Run, run, run!

2mi: Daddy points to the aid station.  All right, I know what to do.... grab a cub, drink some water, pour the rest on my head.  Whoo!  Feels great, let's run!  It's getting muddy!  My shoes... my pants! I can't believe Daddy's letting me get so dirty.

I run... I take a little rest.  When I see Mommy coming, I run run run!  There are some ladies running with us.  I think everyone is really tired.  It's a big hill.  Daddy asks me, "Do you want some food?"  The ladies behind me say, "Yes!"  Ha, ha.

I see Ms. Nicole taking pictures.  How'd she get here?  I try to hold my pants up going through the mud.  Daddy stops and rolls them up for me.  Whoa!  It's slippery.  "Mommy better be careful here.  She has to hold on to Ariel".  Daddy says, "Do you want to wait and help Mommy?"  "Uh... no, she can do it!"

Daddy says soon we'll hear the announcer man say, "You're almost there!"  Some 10k runners come by and we have to move to the side.  They're fast!  It's hard climbing but we're almost to the top.  The ladies have stopped to rest but I have to beat Mommy.   We go around rocks, over streams and through gooey mud.  People are cheering now.  One more mud crossing.. whoa! I fell.  I only cry a little.  I can do it.

3mi:  The top!  Whew!  I'm hot and take a rest.  Daddy says Mommy might be coming.  I better keep going.  Before the finish, we put my other shirt back on so they can see my number....  I finished!  Feels good to be done.  I get to eat now.   Food, water, and lying on the grass.   Ah, this feels good!


Dan and Anna savor the moment(=


Name Race Age Group/Category Age Place Time

Anna Soares





Dan Tebbs 10K M30-39



Michael Cook

10 Mile




Brian Hacker 10 Mile M40-49 1st 1:05:35
Mo Bartley 10 Mile W50-59 1st
