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Big Kahuna (Half Ironman)

DATE:  September 9, 2007

WHERE:  Santa Cruz, CA

DISTANCE:  1.2miS - 56miB - 13.1miR


Robin 10th - 5:02:28* (PR but bike short)


*(PR) Personal Record. Previous: 5:02:29, '07

TEAMMATES:  Kathleen Calkins, Carmen Elliott, Dale Jackson, Greg Price, Faron Reed, Michelle Ridder, Kiet Tran & Rochelle Zolna

(Click on Pictures to make larger)

It’s 5:30.  We're caravanning with Michelle Ridder over the Santa Cruz Mountains to the Big Kahuna 1/2 Ironman.  It's nice to be visiting and enjoying the Bay Area scenery again!   I'm looking forward to racing with the gang! Troy finds us a secret parking area right behind the transition area.  Alright.  We are a little late so it's hard to find a spot to rack my bike.  I'll just lean it up against the chain link fence like some other folks.  Looks good!  Waiting for a porta-potty and forgetting my sunscreen puts me farther behind schedule.  I finally leave transition about 5 minutes before the first wave of swimmers.  I'm the third wave.  Troy, Anna, Michelle and I regroup on the beach.  We run into Carmen Elliott and Rochelle Zolna just before.  This is Carmen's first tri in the last six years.  Carmen and Rochelle are both great cyclists and will surely do great! 


I jump in the water five minutes before my start.  Ouch!  I'm taken back to Troy's 35th Birthday party where we played Fear Factor.  One of the challenges was to pick up gummy worms in our mouths in a pool of ice...we're talking burning and freezing face...same thing here!  I report to the gang, "It's COLD" and run off to the start.  It's crowded and I'm unable to get close to the front.  No worries, the middle will work.  The waves are small so getting out there shouldn't be too bad.



Ready, set, go!  I run into the ocean.  The adrenaline is really pumping and I hardly feel the cold.  I'm in a total washing machine today.  I try to look for open areas as I see and feel arms everywhere.  I get into a good rhythm behind a pack of girls.  It's a big loop around the Santa Cruz Pier.  Big sea lions hang out under the pier and I can hear them chatting.  I like them but just not near me while swimming.  I start thinking about great white sharks which is by far my biggest fear in the ocean (note to parents: Don't let your kids watch Jaws!).  It makes me stay really close to the pack.  As long as we are a force, I should be alright, right?!  I feel God give me a peace about it and I find myself focusing more on my form and position.  It's all good. 


This swim is going really well.  I feel strong and steady.  We round the last buoy at the end of the pier.  I can see the finish line ahead.  The pack has broken up.  I see 2 of the girls ahead and surge towards them.  We've caught the previous waves now.  It's about dodging and charging.  The finish line is almost here.  I can see the water is getting shallower.  I keep swimming as long as I can and the jump out of the water and rip off my wetsuit. 


The run to my bike is a 1/3rd of a mile!  My feet are numb and feel like stubs. Running is usually my strength, but not today!  I'm passed by several girls on the way to the bike.  I don't know if this is an indication of how things are going today.  I'm not going to let up, I want to see what this day brings.  I get to my bike and exit T1 without incident...good thing because the new layout this year has you mounting your bike at the start of a hill.  Troy tells me later that lots of people were falling off their bikes.


I feel strong heading out of Santa Cruz. Once we get on Highway 1 the work really begins!  It's cool and overcast.  Combined with my frozen feet and bare arms - I'm shivering.  It seems to help biting down on the straw of my aero drink bottle (bottle that sits between my aero bars).  At least I'll be well hydrated!


In the next 10 miles, 4 girls in my age group pass me. I don't feel as strong today.  It seems like the power isn't there.  I try not to get frustrated but remind myself that "anything can happen".  There are few cars out this morning.  It's nice not to focus on dodging cars.  Another girl passes me.  I work to stay with her.  We go back in forth.  I still have less power.  Maybe my seat is too low.  I'm tempted to stop and raise it but figure it's all just in my head.  Probably just an off day.


At the turn-around I'm thankful to be on my way home.  The same girl and I continue to trade the lead.  I can't stop thinking about my seat.  As my feet spin to the bottom part of my pedal stroke it seems like my heel can stretch down beyond the pedal.  My heel should be flush with the pedal at the bottom of the stroke.  This convinces me to pull over and adjust it.  I'll get behind but if it results in more power, I might make up for the loss.  I find a good spot, pull over, and as quickly as possible, with numb hands, try to pull a tiny allen tool out of my tool bag.  I fumble around and find it!  I stick it in the bolt and realize it's too small!!!  Troy had packed the wrong size.  Oh no!  I jump back on the bike and speed off.  I feel angry but I'm immediately feeling God convicting my heart.  This is now a great opportunity for God to work through this situation.  It also puts the bike seat issue to rest.  There is nothing I can do about it now so I need to focus on doing my best.  Sure, I've lost ground to that girl and probably a few others since I pulled over.  It makes me look forward more to the run and working to catch them.


A huge group of bikes go by.  They are drafting.  Unfortunately in these longer races, people are tempted to get caught up in this.  I feel the temptation, too, but I know it's not fair or right.  I pull back and let the mob pass.  A little later a guy passes me on the right instead of the left.  I ask him what happened to the left and he ignores me and speeds by.  I wonder if he thinks that illegal move was worth a few extra seconds.  Let it go, Robin, let it go!


I'm nearing the bike finish.  I'm off Highway 1 and back on the Santa Cruz streets.  Okay! Let's get to that run!  I feel a surge of energy and I sprint my way back to T2 (transition 2).  I see Troy and Anna on my way in.  I point to my bike seat to communicate the seat problem...a futile effort while speeding by so fast.


I get to my spot and put on my gear.  For a moment I'm confused.  Where do I run out?  Just then I see Heleena Reed, Faron's wife.  She points me in the right direction.  Great timing!  Thanks Heleena!  As I run out and up the road, I see Troy and Anna ahead.  Anna is holding out her hand for a high melts my heart!  I run over to her with a big smile and we make contact.  I tell her "good job Anna.  I love you guys!".  I tell Troy my seat may be low but that it's okay.


I feel strong but don't feel like I can push the pace faster at the moment.  A girl goes by quick.  I tell her good job.  She's in a younger age group so my position stays the same.  I think, "I'll never be able to keep that pace", but realize with God anything is possible.


We are following a bike path along the ocean. The sun has come out and it's gorgeous and much warmer!  I don't see any girls and wonder where they are. I turn off the bike path and onto the roads.  I can see the famous Michellie Jones coming back...last year's IM Hawaii women's champ.  There are few male pros and no women pros other than her.  She looks like she's the 4th fastest pro today!  I cheer her on as she goes by. 


I miss my first two splits.  Mile 3 is 7:08.  Okay, not bad.  I see the guy that passed me on the right ahead.  As I go by I tell him good job.  He says nothing.  Oh well, I didn't really expect a response. 


Mile 4: 7:32.  Oh boy.  It's getting tough.  I look ahead and see Kathleen Calkins coming back.  She's right on the shoulder of another girl and they are hauling!  I smile and wave instead of shouting her name in case the girl doesn't know she's there.  She smiles and waves back.

Mile 5: 7:18.  Better!   Further up ahead I see Dale.  At that same moment I hear Michelle shout out my name from the bike.  It's an MVM (Mountain View Masters) reunion(=  I pat Dale on the back and tell him he had great bike (the second fastest in his age group!). Almost to the turn around.  I'm on on a beautiful dirt trail heading to the coastline again.  I can see those ahead of me coming back.  I see a lot of girls coming back who look my age.  I see a few girls who passed me on the bike.  They look strong and will be hard to catch.


Mile 6: 7:43!  As I start to feel bummed out, a 45-yr-old flies by me.  I feel the Lord tell me to go with her just like He encouraged me in IMCDA.  My first response is, "no way, she's way out of my league...I'll blow up!"  "Go with her!"  So I pick it up and get on her shoulder.  It seems crazy but I'm going for it!  I keep thinking about "Pre" (Steve Prefontaine) the great American runner and how he loved the "guts race"....going for it without concerned what will happen to the body.  We're blowing by people, including girls in my age group.   Suddenly I drop my gel flask (energy gel).  I have to turn back to get it!  Now I work hard to get back with my pacer. I see Dale again and he tells me I'm gunning girls down.


Mile 7: 6:34!  We're heading back.  I keep staring at the back my pacer's jersey.  It says  Lord, help me keep this up.  I don't know if I'll blow-up or not.  Where is Mile 8?  I must have missed it.  There it is!


Mile 8: 10:13!  Okay, that marker is off, because I know I'm running my heart out.  Teresa pulls away from me but I keep her in my sights.


Mile 9: 6:46.  That's more like it!  Lord, thank You for the strength you've given me!  I cannot believe I'm running like this!


Mile 10: 7:17.  I don't know if the splits are accurate.  It doesn't matter because it's all guts now.  I catch up to another girl in my age group, Andi.  Andi and I have been racing together all season.  I tell her good job as I pass and she says "oh man, you always pass me".  I tell her, "you never know what will happen. Keep pushing."  I could really blow up at any moment and she might catch me.  I see another girl in my age group.  She had passed me on the bike.  She's quite a bit ahead but I'm going for it!


Mile 11: 6:54.  I'm pushing with all I have.  Lord, thanks for this gift.  Give me the strength to make it to the finish.


Mile 12: 7:07.  I can see the girl.  But can I catch her in time?   A guy tells me that if I pass that girl I'll be on the podium.  I don't know if that's true but I just want to try to reach her.  I'm pushing hard. The last 1/2 mile is on sand. I turn a corner and head for the sand.  I see the girl!  I think, "I can catch her but the sand might be a factor."  I hit the sand and try to be like a deer and run with light feet.  I run by her and tell her good job.  I see Troy and Anna ahead.  I tell Troy it's all God!  I'm pushing as hard as I can and I can see the finish!  Heather and Dave LeRoy are there.  Dave is taking pictures (these great pictures) and Heather is cheering with little Kevin.  It's a long sprint there but I make it!  Thank you Lord!  That was awesome!




















Age Place

Age Group

Swim Time

Bike Time

Run Time

Total Time

GREG PRICE 4/146 M35-39 28:47 2:20:12 1:27:52 4:21:33


27:10 2:28:02 1:32:07 4:32:18
FARON REED 1/17 M55-59 30:36 2:33:16 1:46:10 4:54:54
KIET TRAN 38/146 M35-39 26:36 2:33:49 1:49:08 4:56:36


12/68 M45-49 29:42 2:26:48 1:58:59 5:00:41




31:14 2:49:30 1:36:06 5:02:28


29:51 2:38:51 1:46:06 5:03:03


35:00 2:47:09 1:50:07 5:19:30
MICHELLE RIDDER 27/38 W40-44 33:54 3:24:12 2:22:16 6:26:32