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1650 Swim

DATE:  February 18, 2007

WHERE:  Mountain View, Eagle Pool

DISTANCE:  1650 Meters


Troy 3rd - 22:25*; Robin 8th - 23:54

Previous PRs or Personal Records:

      Troy - 22:44, '05

      Robin - 23:34, '04

TEAMMATES:   Jami Andrews, Sherwick Min

It's another early morning at the Soares House. .  We all get in the car late and I'm feeling stress about how we'll miss the start of  the race.  As I share my frustration with Troy, I feel the Lord telling me to have peace and trust Him, that it will all work out.  Even so, I have doubts that it will.


As we arrive after the start time, Jami of Team JaS, tells me that they've changed the format of the race.  The coaches are giving warm-up time.  We have an extra 15 minutes before the first wave starts.  Wow, the Lord came through again as He always does.  Why do I doubt?  Why don't I stay at peace and trust?   Immediately I ask God to forgive me and I mention this to Troy ,too.  I realize that this entire season is going to take faith and trust.  There will be other times where I'll be late, or have some sort of trouble, or forget some important equipment or food .  I need to remain calm and believe God will work it for good as He always does.  Romans 8:28 says "God works for the good of those who love Him".  When Troy and I signed on to be members of Team FCA Endurance we agreed to their "Competitors Creed" (  I vowed to "not trust in myself" and to "rely on the power of God".  That is what I need to do today and always. 


Troy is in the first wave, so that means Anna and I are taking splits every time he touches the wall we are stationed at.  He's going head to head with Sherwick.  Troy starts a little behind the group but he's looking strong.  Anna's being a good girl(=  She's wandering nearby and playing with her books and toys.



I've started the annual 1650yd swim.  I got a late start off the wall because I was setting my watch timer.  My first length across the pool I'm thinking, "I've already lost 5 secs, my watch isn't set correctly to keep me on pace, and my goggles aren't fitting right."  For a moment I don't have focus.. or drive.  Then, instead of letting the tough breaks slow me down, I use them to fire me up.. to get me mad.. I tell myself, "I'm gonna swim my best race despite starting behind!" and suddenly I'm powering through the water.


Sherwick is next to me but already pulling quite a bit ahead.  But I'm hopeful that this could be the day I catch him!  He's a great swimmer, but you never know what might happen..

At ½ way Sherwick is WAY ahead.  I've been noticing his flip-turns are much faster than mine.. gaining a ½ second over me at each wall.  I try to correct and push on.

I think Sherwick's out of reach now.. but I wouldn't know anyway.. my eyes are closed, my arms are thrashing and I'm just trying to get enough air as I sprint that last 300 yds.  Ah! Finally done!  What started out like a bummer turned into a great effort.  Sherwick beat me by a lot again but I did have my fastest swim in a long time!  Robin & I have a great rivalry with our good friends Jami & Sherwick.  We all push each other and admire each other's talents.


It's my time to swim.  I jump in next to Jami and do a few laps thinking I have another 10 minutes until we start.  A few minutes later everyone is itching to start so we get ready to go.  I didn't get much of a warmup but I feel at peace.  I feel it's going to be ok.  Ready, set...Go!


Jami is going at a challenging pace!  I sure hope I can keep in step with her!  I'm counting the laps for each 500 yards I do. Troy will signal me at every 500 with a kick board too to help me keep count.  My ultimate goal is to glorify God with my efforts and attitude.  It is because of Him that we got here with time to spare and it's because of Him that I can even do this. My secondary goal is to hang on with Jami the first 1150 and then see what I can do the last 500 of the 1650.  I'm thinking about my form: breathing on both sides, breathing every 3 strokes, and staying under water as long as I can after every flip turn.


There's the signal...I see the kick board waving at me under water.  The first 500 is done.  It feels pretty good.  The pace is brisk and Jami is looking good!  The second 500 comes up.  I know that after the next 150, it's time to see what's left.  I'm going to give my all as if this is the only 500 I have to do today. 


Okay, here it goes!  I push my body up a notch.  I don't know if I can keep this pace or not but I have nothing to lose.  As the yards click away, it's getting harder to keep my form.  I focus all my energy on trying to be efficient.  I see a signal on the other end of the pool telling me this is my last lap.  Wait, I think I have few more laps.  As I come to the next wall, I put my head out of the water.  I can see Troy waving at me to continue swimming 2 more lengths.  Okay, I thought so.  I push as hard as I can those last two laps.  I'm done.   I pull my head out of the water and gasp for breath.  Wow, that was tough!  Thanks Lord for helping me give my all.  For keeping me healthy and letting me train without injury.  I thank Jami for motivating me throughout the swim.  She did a great job!!  She's one tough chica!



Age Group Place


Sherwick Min






Jami Andrews




