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Ironman Canada

DATE:  August 24th, 2003 WHERE:  Penticton, B.C., Canada
DISTANCE:  2.4miS - 112miB - 26.2miR FRIENDS RACINGDave Tarkington, Tana Jackson, Jeffrey Welker, Todd Brown, Jami Andrews, Sherwick Minn, Warren Mine, & others
The Training
Robin decided to attempt the Ironman distance last Winter.  When she was in High School, she joked to a friend that she'd like to do an Ironman one day.  But that was long before she felt the pain of running after biking.
   First she had to qualify for Canada by racing well at the California Half Ironman.  She trained in between teaching and nighttime grading.  Swimming was kept steady.  Biking was her main focus & was improving all the time.  And running was good despite the nagging hamstring and IT Band injuries.
   California Half (May). The goal was to finish in 5hrs to qualify for Canada.  Hamstring quit with 6mi to go, very frustrating, but she remained positive and thankful to God for her 5:25 finish.  That evening it turned out to be good enough to get the only age slot to Canada!
   Next was the San Francisco Marathon (July).  The goal: 3:30.  Needed in order to plan for a sub-4hr Ironman run.  Robin was doing so good, on pace to within minutes, until mile 20.  Right knee (IT Band) became inflamed.  The pain told her to quit.  Again, an opportunity to succumb to the frustrating thoughts, but instead she leaned on her faith and pushed on knowing the time wasn't as important as the effort.  It turned out she finished only 6 min over her goal.  Remarkable considering the knee flare up.
The Ironman is Here
   The training of her body and of her faith ends today... and is tested.  The result of 8 months will be seen in about 12hrs.  It's race day at Ironman Canada.  The biggest field in history stretches all along the shore of Lake Okanogan.  2000 seriously trained athletes ready to run into the clear cool water all at once.

Spiritual Training
This last week, Robin's physical training was replaced with recuperation. But her spiritual training has led right up to the day.
  First, a week ago she developed a sudden pain in her glute.  She could hardly walk.  Obviously frustrating in light of the biggest race of her life.  But she pressed on optimistically.  It went away, but then teased her a little the day before.  She's not concerned.
  Next, 4 days ago, we arrived into a thick haze of smoke.  The Okanogan area here is battling the worst fires they have ever seen! Many heroic efforts.  Some local athletes have already lost their houses, just days before the race.  The power has been knocked out. Evacuations in adjacent towns are ongoing.  Penticton has been filled with smoke.  Spiritual training to rely on God as protector.  Athletes, supporters, race workers wonder: Will the race be cancelled?  Will it be hard to breathe the smoky air?  Am I even ready for this all-day race?  If it is cancelled, will I respect the decision or let my emotions run wild?  Will my house be there when I finish?

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:30

The Iron Prayer
  The confusion made the event Robin put on even more vital.  She organized the Iron Prayer.  A service where athletes and supporters go to worship God, remember His role in our lives, or just to listen to the facts that Jesus has everything under control and can help them persevere through the tough events ahead.
  Race entrant, Dan Perkins, a So. Cal pastor Robin discovered months ago, talked about the similarity of Ironman goals and Christ goals.  For most, the pursuit of an Ironman finish resulted from following a fellow triathlete's encouraging, example, or leadership.  Just as our ultimate pursuit of being like Christ results from following His examples and those around us trying to live for Him.
  Evan, the music leader, his base player and young drummer were more of Robin's treasured finds.  They played songs before and after.  Heartfelt and Spirit-filled.  Inviting sounds to those making the 1km walk to the park.  Their sound system was battery powered, first we'd ever seen.  An hour before the service, the city's power went out!  That Fri night, the only music and PA system heard was at Iron Prayer.  Thank you, God.

Leading up to the Race  (Robin's thoughts are highlighted)
Wow, we are treated like delegates here.  It feels special to be an entered athlete.  Keep wondering... what's it going to be like?  Running a marathon AFTER 8hrs of swim & bike racing?
   Wake up at 4:45am. Oatmeal, vitamins, water bottle.  Robin seems really relaxed. Parents waiting for us in the lobby.  Walk .5mi to start.. It's chilly & dark & Robin's wearing her Sponge Bob hat!  She gets body-marked, pumps her tires, & adds food supplies to her bike.
   There's Tana & Jeffrey!  And Jami & Sherwick.  Other friends racing include David Tarkington, Tina Lount-Pretre, Warren Mine, Tim Sheeper, Scott Zavack, and Dan Perkins.  Also, Palo Alto area locals Larre Sterling, Nicole Burdge, and  Heather Langendorfer are here.
   I find a good starting place on the shore.  There's Todd!  2000 triathletes makes this largest swim start ever! 70 in Robin's age group.

The Race is Underway!
Boom! Smoke from the cannon.  Jan, Jerry & I peer over the crowd to see the mass of wetsuits surge toward deeper water.  It's a 2 loop course.  Changed because life-guards are fighting fires & medical personal are needed elsewhere.

The Swim
  I'm swimming.. there's no denying it now.. I've started the longest race of my life.  I stay wide to the outside.  It's longer but the traffic jam crowding by the buoys is too exerting.  I've already been hit a few times.  I pray, "Lord, help me stay relaxed".  He does.  Robin has been swimming well.  I got to swim with her a few times while we've been here and her stroke was strong and smooth.  The water's quite deep now.  Ha!  There's a man laying on the bottom of the lake videotaping us!  Must be neat to see 4000 thrashing arms go above you.  We're turning for the 2nd loop.  It's going well.  At a practice race, Robin finished 2.4mi in 1:10.  And here she comes!  Exiting the water in 1:05! Go Robin!  She's after Tim, Sherwick, and David and just ahead of the rest of the group and 20th in her age group.  In transition now.  Not much to do.  Just get on and go.  Robin was so much faster than expected in T1.  Passed 3 in her age group.  I run to the bike course.  Jan & Jerry are all set up.  "Robin will be here in 6 min.. oh, there she is! She's 12min ahead of schedule"

The Bike
I'm feeling good.  Holding back.  But still unknowing.  Everyone's going pretty fast.  Climbing into the hills.  Near the fires.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,  I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  Psalm 23 :4

  The ground around us is still smoking!  Water-bomber planes are attacking in the distance.  There goes Tana!  And Jami!  I wonder if I could stay with them.. no, keep your own plan.
   I jump in car with my buddy Kevin, out from Saskatuan to watch his friends race.  He takes me to Ritcher Pass at mile 50 & will track Robin to mile 80.. Yellow Lake Climb.
   I'm climbing the first big hill. 2000ft up Ritcher.  Tough but so exciting to be in this big event.  And my new bike feels really good.  The climb flattens a few times.  A chance to rest before the next section.
   I'm eating and drinking per the plan.  Have to stop for pee-breaks so often!  Every 10mi!  I ask for help even in this.. "God, show me a place to go.." and He did :)

"...But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:13-14

  There's Troy & Kevin near the top!  On the back side Troy & Kevin drive by and take pictures periodically.
   It's so great to see Robin!  She's smiling all the time and thanking God.  Like she's really having fun on this 112mi bike ride through the mtns.  I'm missing a lot of pictures.. still learning how to use this digital thing..
   The hills back here seem never-ending.  I get my "needs" bag and open my peanut-butter & jelly sandwich.  Miles 68-80 are really dragging.  Getting tough.  The volunteers are great.  I look forward to each aid station.  Ah!  The top!  Spirits are lifted.  20mi to go.  There's Skaha Lake below! Back into Penticton.  Smoke makes it look like descending into smoggy L.A., but I don't really notice.  2 mi to go.  I see Jami & Tana running. "Go!".  I feel full but still have more food.  Shove down a 1/2 cliff bar.  Looking forward to the run.  I welcomed change of pace. But what will it be like?
   Robin comes into transition 25min ahead of schedule!  25th in her age group with a 6:19 (25th fastest) bike!  Again, T2 is faster than expected..

The Run
In transition the volunteers are great!  They dump out my stuff, put sunscreen on me, & pack it all away.  Here we go…3 loops! Feeling so full… bloated.. I See Troy… better keep eating like he said.
   Robin starts the run 30min ahead of schedule and in 25th place.  But I can see she's already having trouble with her stomach.  She's remaining positive and strong but I realize our nutrition plan may have been excessive.  The along-the-lake course was changed to a monotonous triple-out-and-back in the city.  Keeping the athletes away from the fires and close to aid.  Great for the spectators.  Uninspiring for the runners.
  I see Sherwick coming back from the first loop.  Then Jami.  I have to stop at more bathroom breaks.  It just keeps coming. Stomach is really feeling bad.  Looking for each porta-potty.

The 2nd loop
    It's getting bad. See Troy at 11mi. Feeling terrible, but still trying to encourage others near me.  Troy says to use ice but the heat's not bothering me.  I don't feel like I'm going to bonk.  Dealing with the stomach & intestinal pain.  I'm doing this for God. Gotta smile and not make this look so bad.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb 12:1

   I could tell the run was terribly uncomfortable, it was painful to watch. But Robin didn't crack. She kept looking to the Lord, praying, and still encouraging others & smiling every time she was encouraged. But the smile would turn into extreme focus as she tried to keep her stomach from revolting...
   I'm trying to run without bouncing. It's cramping, threatening to vomit.  There's so many opportunities to talk to people on the run.  We are all focused but welcome the encouragement  very much.
   1/2 way through the marathon, trudging along the same hot streets of the run, Robin has lost her 30min lead on the track for 12 hours.  It looks like a 12:30 finish at best.  I've seen these situations.  The plan disappears from view.  The run slows to walking, and walking becomes the painful alternative to stopping. 
   So great to see my parents. Mom's ringing the bell. Dad's got the camera ready. They're positioned at the Hog's Breath.  A popular eating place at the center of all the racing action.
   I know I have to smile for them.  To let them know things are OK. Even though it's hard.  The  nutrition plan is Out the Door!  Even the treasured Snickers bar in my special needs bag at mile 17 isn't appealing.  Troy says I can stop eating… going for Pepsi now.  It's the quickest source of energy and a known secret for the last stages of an Ironman.  However, once you start Pepsi, you can't stop, nothing else will suffice.   But my tired body doesn't even welcome the de-fizzed sugar & caffeine.

The 3rd loop
I feel like the prayers of friends & family are really helping.  I remember a couple from Iron Prayer; they prayed for my race.  I see one of them! He gets up and runs with me, praying for me that God gives me the strength to finish. That really helped.

"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:4

   Wow, what great perseverance!  I can see Robin dig deep & push past the pain.  She's turning it on.  Faster & faster through the last 8mi.   I trying to calculate the finish time in my head.. 12:20... maybe 12:15.  Now she's back on pace with 2mi to go.  I grab the camera and bike to Lake Shore Dr., the last stretch to the finish.
   Oh! It's so good to be almost done.  I can see the finish.  I've spent the whole day doing an Ironman Triathlon.  God is great.  I take off my hat and wave it to the crowd.  They're great. Troy is trying to run with me and get a picture.. but can't keep up..

The Finish
I lose sight of Robin as I get lost in the crowd.  But she was exuberantly on her way to finishing a goal that started back in High School.

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Ps 37:4

  She finished in 12:11:20, 30th in her age, with a 4:41:09 (35th fastest) marathon.  It's hard to believe with 15 bathroom breaks and stomach problems, she's only 11 minutes off our "Best Case Scenario"
   I'm done! A quick prayer to God, "Thank you, Lord". They give me a finisher's hat & T-shirt. I ask for a medium. Strange, feeling bad and still care about shirt size. Volunteer stays with me and helps me. Feeling nauseous. Find mom & dad. Where's Troy?
   Took me 10 min to find my way around the finish area to Robin.  Thank goodness for the walkie-talkies her parents brought for the occasion... "Come in, Troy, the robin has landed.  She's perched beneath the towering, blow-up Power Gel". "Roger. Copy that"

She's walking slowly, but very happy. She wants a warm bath. It helps a lot. Kevin comes by the hotel room to congratulate her and check up.  We order pizza and go out into the darkness to cheer on the other finishers.  Mom's cow-bell is in full force and turns some walks into runs as athletes near the 17 hour cut-off time of midnight.

It took about 5 days for Robin to quit feeling nauseous. We assume the problem was forcing down too much nutrition during the bike since she felt bloated by the run start.  She took in 3400 cal (& 3.3g of sodium) during the race.  The plan called for over a 1000 more!  Where did she get the plan?  From Troy's own Ironman strategy.  I guess I should've scaled it down for someone who weighs 25% less!  But I did keep her chainring bolts from falling off this time!

    Even though very negative experience at times.. Overall very positive and I want to do it again.  I remember God being present throughout the week.  Like running into Dan Perkins on the street. Providing our worship team with battery operated equipment. And keeping the race going (race directors thought it was over, said it was a miracle that the fires died down a little so the race could go on). God came through by keeping away the pains in my hamstring, knee, and glute.  It was a great experience… God made it great.. So good to have someone to do it for… not just myself, which usually just turns it all into pressure.

Please pray for one of the girls from Iron Prayer that crashed early on in the bike and broke her collar bone. Someone clipped her handlebars at an aid station. She is still being positive and doing good

God Bless
Troy Soares and Robin Soares
"Team Soares... Press On"

Special Thanks to...

bulletSheri Mulroe - Thanks for getting me through those long rides!  Thanks for the yummy snacks!  Have a great X-C season!
bulletMichelle Ridder - Thanks for the rides and the motivation to get in the pool!
bulletKaren Saxena - Thanks for helping me through those long runs and my rides!  You paved the way doing IM Lake Placid...thanks!
bulletLaura Schuster- Thanks for the company on rides and for helping me with my freestyle stroke!  Oh, and thanks for the wonderful massages!
bulletDan Perkins - Thanks for sharing at IronPrayer!  It was great meeting you and listening to your Ironman Faith (live and on video...great video by the way!).
bulletEvan Smailes - Thanks for the tunes and words of encouragement at IronPrayer!  You guys rocked (esp. your son)!!
bulletMy parents, Jan and Jerry - You guys have ALWAYS  been there!  Thanks so much!!!!  God blessed me with you guys(=
bulletMy husband, Troy - I love you Honey!!  I cannot wait to support you in Hawaii!!  You're my wonderful gift from God!
bulletMy wonderful friends & family- Thanks for supporting this crazy adventure(=


Our Friends That Raced With Us
20/35 TIM SHEEPER (PRO) 51:33 1:42 5:04:55 1:07 3:31:54 9:31:09
5/118 DAVID EASA 57:27 1:41 5:31:22 2:02 3:20:48 9:53:19
23/285 SCOTT ZAVACK 52:35 3:03 5:34:26 2:51 3:32:49 10:05:42
35/285 SHERWICK MIN 0:58:36 2:32 5:37:10 2:34 3:34:47 10:15:39
27/283 JEFFREY WELKER 1:04:56 4:08 5:16:31 4:18 3:54:30 10:24:22
31/283 DAN PERKINS 1:05:19 3:43 5:27:05 1:50 3:51:46 10:29:40
9/153 TANA NETSCH 1:06:47 2:59 5:40:57 1:55 3:49:20 10:41:56
71/285 DAVID TARKINGTON 1:02:53 3:56 5:38:18 2:33 3:58:11 10:45:49
5/114 TINA LOUNT-PRETRE 1:10:36 2:16 5:48:25 2:04 3:54:24 10:57:43
40/153 JAMI ANDREWS 1:06:57 2:13 5:48:35 2:15 4:57:41 11:57:40
30/74 ROBIN SOARES 1:05:05 2:42 6:19:03 3:22 4:41:09 12:11:20
30/71 WARREN MINE 1:27:24 7:14 6:39:36 6:15 4:45:23 13:05:50
243/283 TODD BROWN 1:25:06 5:58 7:02:23 7:09 5:36:03 14:16:37

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.  1 Corinthians 9:24-27