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Treasure Island Triathlon

DATE:  November 2nd, 2002 WHERE:  San Francisco
DISTANCE: 1.5kmS - 40kmB -10kmR TIME:  Troy - 2:16:30 (23:48-1:35-1:10:53-1:46-37:28)
Robin - 2:35:38 (27:02-2:51-1:23:11-1:09-41:25)
PLACE:  Troy - 8th,  Robin - 4th TEAMMATES:  John Dougery
coming soon...

"Last weekend we did our last triathlon of the season on Treasure Island (1/2 way across the Bay Bridge). Water was cold but the day was beautiful! Hard work but both were pleased with our times. Robin 4th, me 8th in our ages. Robin's race was after mine so I got to watch her which was exciting. Plaques go to 3rd. She was 5th off the bike, 4th after 3mi of the run, and was pulling for her to catch the girl 2 minutes ahead of her... but that girl turned it on and passed number 2 to take 2nd herself. Robin did make up time but still finished 1 1/2 minutes behind the now-3rd place girl. I think Robin had the 3rd fastest run of the day.
My healed ankle gave me some problems during the run due to stiffness, but not too bad, so was happy with being able to race pretty fast."